Applying for Accommodation for the MCAT or DAT

Looking to write a standardized exam such as the MCAT or DAT but unsure about taking in your glucometer or low kit (I.e. juice and a snack)? Well you’ve come to the right place!

Having diabetes DOES have its perks such as a separate room to write your exam and the privilege of bringing in food to the exam (for emergency cases of course)!

In some cases you can ask for extra time to write your exam to help make up for time that you might lose taking your blood sugar or consuming your fast sugar.

**Please note that this information is based off of taking these exams 2016 so it may be outdated. 

For the MCAT:

1. You need to register for an AAMC ID.

2. Register for a standard seat.

3. Register for your accommodations! You will need a letter from your GP or endocrinologist. We recommend your endocrinologist because he or she will be more knowledgeable about how you treat your diabetes. HERE are the guidelines for the application.

Typically, it takes about a month to get your Accommodation application approved, however, you should apply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure that it is approved in time. Make sure to submit your application for review BEFORE your SILVER deadline. You can find the time frames to apply HERE.

4. Next, you wait. This is the hard part.

If you check your application status and nothing has changed in 3 weeks, we suggest you e-mail and let them know. Usually e-mailing them helps to speed up the process a bit.

5. After your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. You will then be able to access your approval letter on the site you applied for accommodations.

6. To book your test date, you can call (202) 828-0690 or e-mail

During the test, online it says your food and/or drinks must not have any labels but regular juice boxes and granola bars (such as SunRype and Nature Valley) are fine.

7. You should be all set! Best of luck!

For the American DAT:

Note: Do NOT register for a general seat first. Instead of applying for a general seat first, you will need to apply for accommodations and then apply for a date to write your DAT.

1. Register for a DENTPIN. Make sure the name you submit matches the name on your ID EXACTLY (including your middle name if you have one).

2. Next THIS form will need to be completed. You will also need to submit an evaluation report as written by your GP or endocrinologist. We recommend your endocrinologist because he or she will be more knowledgeable about how you treat your diabetes.

After putting together these documents, you will need to send them to 

3. When your application gets approved (approximately 2-3 weeks later) you will receive an Eligibility letter.

4. Even though your Eligibility letter says you can schedule an appointment by using the website, it does not allow you to because of the accommodation. Instead, you will have to call 800-688-5804 to schedule an appointment. Make sure to give yourself enough time on the phone because it can take some time to get through. They are open Monday – Friday, 8am-8pm ET. They usually ask which date you prefer so it’s a good idea to have a few preferred dates and times of when you would like to write it.

5. You should be all set! Best of luck!

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