Using Personal Health Record Technology for Shared Decision Making as Routine Practice for Diabetic Youth

If you are 18-24yrs with T1D, contact to participate in this research study!

This research asks how personal health record (PHR) technology can be designed and implemented to facilitate shared decision making (SDM) for diabetic youth aged 18-24yrs in a manner which confirms its integration in clinical practice to support self-management decision-making. The researchers are interested in the perceptions of patients and providers about the likelihood of successfully implementing such a system.

The research will be carried out in two sequential phases over a four months period. Participation in phase 1 is one hour (online/ phone meeting) and requires participants to validate a functional model for the system followed by a brief phone interview. Participation in phase 2 is also one hour (online/ phone meeting) and requires completing an online survey and a phone interview.

The study invites patients aged 18-24yrs with T1DM and their care providers (nurse, dietician, endocrinologist, diabetologist) to participate in phase 1 and 2 .

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